
A vector, or Vec for short, is like an array whose size can change at runtime.

We can add an element to the end of the vector using its .push() method. We can get its current length using its .len() method. We can create a Vec using the vec! macro, like so:

let mut years: Vec<i32> = vec![1995, 2000, 2005];

years.push(2010); // Now `years` has 4 elements in it, ending in 2010
years.push(2015); // Now `years` has 5 elements in it, ending in 2015

println!("Number of years: {}", years.len());

Like arrays, every element in a Vec must have the same type. Unlike arrays, the length of a Vec can vary at runtime. For this reason, arrays have their length in their type, but vectors do not. Note that the syntax for the element type is a bit different between arrays and vectors - it uses angle brackets instead of square braces:

let years_array: [i32; 3] = [1995, 2000, 2005];
let years_vec: Vec<i32> = vec![1995, 2000, 2005];

Runtime Representation

The runtime representation of vectors is very different from arrays. For example, let's say we have a Vec of three i32 values and compare that to an array of three i32 values.

As we saw before, an array of three i32 values has the same runtime representation as a tuple of (i32, i32, i32) - which is 12 bytes total, since each i32 takes up 4 bytes in memory.

In contrast, the Vec takes up memory in two different locations. First it has the 12 bytes that stores the actual i32 values, but then it has an additional chunk of memory needed to store metadata about them. This extra metadata is what allows the Vec to grow at runtime, and it looks something like this:

struct VecMetadata {
    memory_index_of_first_element: usize,
    length: usize,
    capacity: usize,

usize is equivalent to u32 (4 bytes) on a 32-bit system, and u64 (8 bytes) on a 64-bit system.

Since most systems these days are 64 bits, this means that a Vec of three i32 values will take up a total of 36 bytes in memory: 24 bytes of metadata, and then 12 bytes of actual data!

Let's take a look at what that metadata is actually doing.

Memory Index

A useful way to think of memory is that it's a giant array of bytes.

With that mental model, the type of 4 gigabytes of memory would be let mut memory_bytes: [u8; 4_000_000_000]. We can read any of those bytes, and, since it's mut, we can also write any of them...but we can't change the length of the array, since the total amount of memory available to a process is dictated by the operating system and the hardware it runs on.

The memory_index_of_first_element and length fields in our VecMetadata struct have enough information to describe which of these bytes in memory are storing our elements. (We'll see how capacity fits in later.)

Let's say we were storing our three i32 values at memory index 100 - that is, memory_bytes[100] would store the first byte of the first i32. Since three i32 values take up a total of 12 bytes, we'd need to use memory_bytes[100] through memory_bytes[111] to store all three of them side by side. In this example, memory_index_of_first_element would be set to 100, because that's the index in memory where the first byte of the first element lives.


Say we want to iterate over the elements in this Vec. If all we had was the index of the first byte, how would we know how many elements to read? We could start by reading the first i32 at that index...but what if the Vec is empty? In that case, we shouldn't even read one element!

The length field makes iteration possible. It tells us how many elements are currently in the Vec, which is the exact number of iterations a for loop should perform. The loop begins by reading an i32 worth of bytes beginning at memory_index_of_first_element and then moves to the next i32 in the next iteration of the loop by advancing the index it's reading from by 4 bytes (since an i32 is 4 bytes).

Changing length at runtime

Suppose we have two Vec instances storing their bytes back-to-back in memory. So the first one begins at memory_bytes[100] and ends at memory_bytes[111], and the next one begins at memory_bytes[112].

Now let's say we want to .push() an element onto the first Vec. That will increase length by 1, and store the new element in memory_bytes[112]. This is a problem, though, because memory_bytes[112] is already in use by the other Vec! If we write the new element into that slot in memory, we'll be overwriting the other Vec's first element, which would be really bad.

In this situation, .push() will avoid this problem by moving the entire contents of the Vec to a new location in memory that has enough room. It will do this by asking Rust's memory allocation bookkeeping system to find a memory index which has enough unused bytes after it to accommodate the new length. Then it copies all the bytes from the old location to the new location, adds the new element at the end, and informs the allocation bookkeeping system that the previously-used bytes are no longer in use.

At the end of this .push(), not only has the Vec's length change, but its memory_index_of_first_element has changed as well.


With this design so far, calling .push() several times in a row can potentially result in lots of moving bytes around. If the new memory index is also a "tight fit," then calling .push() again will result in another expensive memory relocation.

To avoid this expensive scenario, Vec requests some extra bytes at the end as buffer. They aren't used to store elements at first, but they are guaranteed to be free memory slots, so they can be used to store future elements without needing to relocate everything.

The capacity field stores the total number of elements that can be stored before a relocation is needed. capacity is always greater than or equal to length. Initially - after calling vec! to initialize the vector - length and capacity are equal, so the first push will require a relocation.

However, after that first relocation happens, push will request twice as many bytes as it strictly needs, to have a substantial buffer for future push operations. At that point, capacity will be equal to two times length. Future push operations will increase length until it reaches capacity, at which point a relocation will happen and capacity will double again.


To avoid having any relocations happen in the first place, you can use the Vec::with_capacity() function to create the Vec with an initial capacity that will be enough to hold all the elements you're planning to put in it. (Assuming you know how many elements that will be, of course!)

This can prevent expensive relocations and also the wasted memory that can come from capacity being doubled each time it runs out.