Stack Memory

We need to talk about memory in order to understand some important Rust concepts, but we're going to hand-wave away a lot of details. After all, this workshop is an introduction to Rust, not to operating systems and hardware!

The Stack and the Heap

Practically all processes organize their giant memory array into two regions: the "stack" and the "heap." The stack is specifically used to store data for function arguments and return values.

So let's imagine that we have 4 gigabytes of memory, and it's subdivided into 1 gigabyte for the stack and 3 gigabytes for the heap. (The heap is almost always much larger than the stack.)

let stack_bytes: [u8; 1_000_000_000];
let heap_bytes: [u8; 3_000_000_000];

It's technically possible to resize these at runtime, but in practice it's very rarely done.

Adding arguments to the Stack

When we call a function, the arguments get written to stack memory. Consider this function:

fn print_number(num: i8) {
    println!("Number: {}", num);

fn add_numbers(num1: i8, num2: i8) {
    print_number(num1 + num2);

add_numbers(5, 42);

When we run that last line of code, here's what happens:

  1. Our program sets stack_bytes[0] = 5 and stack_bytes[1] = 42
  2. Our program also increments a special stack_length global variable twice, so it's at 2 now.
  3. The add_numbers function starts running. It looks at stack_bytes[stack_length - 2] for its first argument, and stack_bytes[stack_length - 1] for its second argument.
  4. It adds the two numbers and passes them to print_number. Passing arguments to print_number means writing the number to stack_bytes[stack_length] and then incrementing stack_length.
  5. Now when print_number runs, it knows that its one argument is in stack_bytes[stack_length - 1], just like add_numbers did.
  6. When print_number returns, it decrements stack_length, meaning the bytes it was using for its argument are now effectively available for future function calls to use.
  7. When add_number returns, it decrements stack_length twice, meaning it is now back down to 0 and the entire stack is free for future function calls.

Normally, this is how things go - as we nest function calls, stack_length increases, and as they return, it decreases. If we have too many nested function calls, stack_length might exceed the total number of bytes available in the stack. This is called a Stack Overflow, and it normally crashes the program.

Returning values on the Stack

Returning values on the stack works similarly to passing arguments.

fn add_numbers(num1: i8, num2: i8) -> i8 {
    return num1 + num2;

let answer = add_numbers(5, 42);

Here, the same operations happen as before for passing arguments. However, before writing the arguments into stack_bytes, the caller increments stack_length an extra time up front, to leave a buffer for the return value. This means that the arguments will be written one byte later than before, and there will be a gap of unused memory right before them.

After add_numbers finishes running, it will decrement stack_length twice as usual (to free the stack space taken up by its arguments). Now stack_bytes[stack_length - 1] will refer to that gap of unused memory we created ahead of time. add_numbers will write the return value into that slot before exiting the function.

Now when the caller resumes running, it knows that the return value from add_numbers can be found in stack_bytes[stack_length - 1]. It also knows that it needs to decrement stack_length one more time before it exits, to make sure it frees up that stack memory for other functions.