Automatic memory management

Automatic alloc

In Rust, unlike in C, calls to alloc and dealloc are done automatically by default. (You may notice we haven't had to call any functions by those names, even though we've been using Vec values.) When you create a new Vec using the vec! macro, for example, that macro results in an alloc call.

Automatic dealloc

When does Rust call dealloc? That's more involved. The short answer is that the Rust needs to balance these goals:

  1. It's better to dealloc memory sooner rather than later, to avoid memory leaks.
  2. To prevent double-free, memory must only be deallocated once per alloc.
  3. To prevent use-after-free, memory must not be deallocated if it still might be referenced anywhere.

Here's a basic example of how Rust automatically performs alloc and dealloc.

fn get_final_orders() -> i64 {
    let orders = vec![1, 2, 3, 4]; // `alloc` gets called to store the Vec
    let mut total_orders = 0;

    for order in orders.iter() {
        total_orders += orders;

    let final_orders = total_orders * 2;

    // `dealloc` gets called on the memory index of the `orders` Vec
    return final_orders;

This function returns an i64. During the course of running the function, it creates a Vec named orders, but that Vec doesn't get returned. This means once the function returns, and orders has gone out of scope, it's no longer possible for any other part of the program to access it. That means it's safe to deallocate as soon as it's about to go out of scope, which is exactly what Rust does here!

Scopes and deallocation

In this example, we didn't quite deallocate orders as soon as we could have. We deallocated it when it went out of scope, but it was no longer in used after the for loop, so it would have been safe to deallocate before running that final_orders = total_orders * 2 logic.

In C, since we would be calling dealloc explicitly, we could choose to free that memory sooner if we wanted to reclaim those resources sooner. Can we achieve the same thing in Rust? Yes, by introducing a new anonymous scope:

fn get_final_orders() -> i64 {
    let mut total_orders = 0;

        let orders = vec![1, 2, 3, 4]; // `alloc` gets called to store the Vec

        for order in orders {
            total_orders += orders;

        // `dealloc` gets called on the memory index of the `orders` Vec

    let final_orders = total_orders * 2;

    return final_orders;

The code inside the { and } here is inside an anonymous scope. Just like how we get a new scope when we write a function, an if, or a match, we can also create a scope out of thin air like this. One of the uses of doing so is to control when things go out of scope, in order to trigger Rust's automatic dealloc sooner if desired.

Here, by putting orders in a scope that ends before let final_orders = ..., we caused orders to go out of scope - and thus get deallocated - before the final_orders logic ran.

In C, we would have had to write these calls to alloc and dealloc manually, but Rust was able to figure out where they should go and make the calls for us, with no possibility of use-after-free or double-free. This is an example of how Rust is able to achieve C-like speeds without C-like safety issues; it's compiling to the same code an equivalent C program would have, but without as much potential for programmer mistakes.