
Let's go back to our previous example of the function which returns a Vec.

fn get_years() -> Vec<i32> {
    let years = vec![1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015];

    return years;

fn main() {
    let all_years = get_years();

Here, we once again have a Vec that gets created in the middle of a function. However, this time it gets returned - meaning we do not want Rust to call dealloc on it when it goes out of scope. If that happened, then when main tried to use it, that would be a use-after-free!

Ownership and moving

This is where Rust's concept of "ownership" saves the day. In Rust terminology, every value is "owned" by a particular scope. At first, it's owned by the scope where it was originally created, but ownership can be passed to other scopes later on. For example, when we call return years, that transfers ownership of the years vector from the get_years function's scope to its caller's scope.

Transferring ownership of a value is called "moving" that value in Rust. This term comes up in Rust compiler error messages, so it's a good one to know!

Moving a value (from one scope to another) doesn't cause it to get deallocated. That's because if the value is still in-scope somewhere, that means there's still code which could potentially read that memory...and therefore it's not safe to deallocate without potentially causing a use-after-free.

Instead, deallocation gets triggered when there is no longer any scope owning a value, which means the value went out of scope without having been moved to a different scope first.

With those rules in mind, here's how allocations and deallocations happen for teh get_years example:

fn get_years() -> Vec<i32> {
    let years = vec![1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015]; // alloc `years`

    return years; // transfer ownership of `years` to caller's scope ("move")

fn main() {
    let all_years = get_years(); // take ownership of returned value (`years`)

    // dealloc `all_years`

At the very end, when all_years goes out of scope and dealloc gets called at the end of main, it will be deallocating the memory that was originally allocated in get_years.

Ownership of arguments

When a function receives an argument like years: Vec<i64>, it will take ownership of that value and deallocate it when the function's scope ends:

fn print_years(years: Vec<i64>) {
    for year in years.iter() {
        println!("Year: {}", year);

    // dealloc `years`

When something calls print_years, it's essentially saying "I am moving this value to your scope, so you are now responsible for deallocating it when you're done with it."

In contrast, if print_years were to return the Vec when it was done, then no deallocation would happen here:

fn print_years(years: Vec<i64>) -> Vec<i64> {
    for year in years.iter() {
        println!("Year: {}", year);

    // no dealloc - instead, move it to the caller's scope!
    return years;

Because it affects deallocation, whether or not a function returns a value it owns is a much bigger deal in Rust than it is in most other languages.

For example, let's say we had the version of print_years that didn't return the Vec it was passed, and then we wrote this code:

fn print_years(years: Vec<i64>) {
    for year in years.iter() {
        println!("Year: {}", year);

    // dealloc `years`

fn main() {
    let years = vec![1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015]; // alloc `years`

    print_years(years); // transfer ownership of `years` to `print_years`
    print_years(years); // transfer ownership again!

    // Do NOT dealloc `years`, because its ownership was transferred elsewhere

If this code successfully compiled and ran, it would cause a use-after-free!

At the end of print_years, the years vector is automatically deallocated, which means that when we try to call print_years on it again (which will attempt to run a for loop over it), we will be looping over deallocated memory. That's a use-after-free!

use-after-move errors

Fortunately, Rust will prevent this use-after-free by giving us a compile error. At one point we tried "transfer ownership again," which the Rust compiler does not allow. Once a value has been moved to a new scope, the original scope no longer owns it, and can no longer reference it anymore!

As of Rust 1.49, the compile error looks like this:

error[E0382]: use of moved value: `years`
  --> src/main.rs:13:17
10 |     let years = vec![1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015]; // alloc `years`
   |         ----- move occurs because `years` has type `Vec<i64>`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait
11 | 
12 |     print_years(years); // transfer ownership of `years` to `print_years`
   |                 ----- value moved here
13 |     print_years(years); // transfer ownership again!
   |                 ^^^^^ value used here after move

It's very common for Rust beginners to encounter "use of moved value" errors like this. (It's less common for experts, but still comes up quite a bit!)

This is telling us that we've attempted to use a value after it was moved. If use-after-move were allowed, it would result in a use-after-free, and Rust prevents that use-after-free from happening with compiler errors like this.

Fixing a use-after-move error

We can fix this by having print_years return the Vec it gets passed, which means it will transfer ownership of that Vec back to the caller.

fn print_years(years: Vec<i64>) -> Vec<i64> {
    for year in years.iter() {
        println!("Year: {}", year);

    return years; // transfer ownership of `years` to the caller

fn main() {
    let years = vec![1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015]; // alloc `years`

    let years2 = print_years(years); // transfer ownership of `years` to `print_years`
    let years3 = print_years(years2); // transfer ownership of `years2` to `print_years`

    // Do NOT dealloc `years`, because its ownership was transferred elsewhere
    // Do NOT dealloc `years2`, because its ownership was transferred elsewhere

    // dealloc `years3`

This code will compile and work just fine.

Note that if we changed for year in years2 to be for year in years, it would once again get a compile error of use-after-move!


If we didn't want print_years to return a Vec, another way we could have prevented the earlier use-after-move error would have been to call years.clone() in order to pass an identical clone of years to print_years, instead of the original:

fn print_years(years: Vec<i64>) {
    for year in years.iter() {
        println!("Year: {}", year);

    // dealloc `years`

fn main() {
    let years = vec![1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015]; // alloc `years`

    print_years(years.clone()); // transfer ownership of a *clone* of `years` to `print_years`.
                                // (`print_years` will deallocate this clone.)

    print_years(years); // transfer ownership of `years` to `print_years`

    // Do NOT dealloc `years`, because its ownership was transferred elsewhere

The clone method reconstructs the Vector in a new memory location, using fresh calls to alloc as necessary. This approach is quicker to implement than the fix we applied where we returned Vec, but it comes at the cost of runtime performance. Cloning takes much longer than returning!

That said, when you're starting out, it's fine to use .clone() to get past use-after-move errors like this. Yes, it comes at a performance cost, but the cloning is explicit, so you can always go back later and optimize it away once you've gotten the program running!

Converting to mut

Ownership means it's safe to convert an owned immutable value to a mutable one, without sacrificing immutable semantics in any meaningful way.

fn organize_years(years: Vec<i64>) {
    let mut mutable_years = years; // Converting immutable to mutable!


fn main() {
    let years = vec![1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015]; // alloc `years`


    // The compiler won't let us reference years past this point.

In this example, the organize_years function takes a Vec which is declared as immutable, yet it ends up mutating it!

This is semantically safe, because the years parameter is owned. That means the caller won't be able to reference this value anymore after passing it in, which in turn means the caller won't be able to tell whether it gets mutated after that point. Since mutating it couldn't possibly affect anything, it is allowed even though the parameter was declared as immutable.

This allows for better performance by reusing existing memory rather than having to clone a value that was on its way to being deallocated anyway.